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Bowman Heiden

University of California, Berkeley

Brief info

Bowman is one of DCI's co-founders.


Dr. Heiden is currently the Director of the Center for Intellectual Property (CIP), which is a center for knowledge-based business development between industry and academia at University of Gothenburg. He is also the Executive Director of the Tusher Center for the the Management of Intellectual Capital at UC Berkeley and co-chair of the Technology, Innovation, and Intellectual Property program at the Classical Liberal Institute at the NYU School of Law. Dr. Heiden was previously a member of the European Commission High-Level Expert Group on Standard Essential Patents.

Dr. Heiden recently co-founded the Dynamic Competition Initiative, jointly run by UC Berkeley, the European University Institute, and VU Amsterdam, and co-founded the non-profit Increasing Diversity in Innovation (iDii) to assist companies and universities in creating more opportunities for people to invent and innovate.

Previously Dr. Heiden was Innovation Director for the Qatar Science & Technology Park, where he was responsible for driving innovation strategy and intellectual property policy. In the past fifteen years, Dr. Heiden has managed over 150 innovation projects with industry, university research institutes, healthcare providers, and start-up ventures.

Dr. Heiden holds degrees in engineering, technology management, and economics, and his research is at the interdisciplinary interface of economics, law, and innovation, in particular, intellectual property and open innovation in knowledge-intensive sectors. Before turning his focus to the field of knowledge-based business, Dr. Heiden played professional basketball in a number of European countries.

Dynamic Competition Initiative

  • The DCI is a multi-sided academic platform on competition, industrial policy and innovation.
  • It benefits from intellectual inputs from scholars; practical feedback from policymakers, practitioners, and industry participants; and financial support from public and private organizations or individuals.
  • Donations to the DCI are unrestricted.
  • Cases of alignment of views between the DCI, its affiliated scholars and donors involve correlation, not causation.
  • Membership of the DCI is benevolent. No scholar of the DCI has or will receive compensation for their affiliation to, or scholarship associated with, the DCI.
  • The DCI takes only interest in ideas, not funding. Whoever funds its scholars is of no interest to the DCI.