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Christian Bergqvist

University of Copenhagen

Brief info

Christian Bergqvist specializes in EU Competition Law, with a particular interest in its application to deregulated and network tied sectors (telecom, energy, post, and transport) and abuse of dominance in general and within these sectors. Christian Bergqvist has extensive experience in competition law as an academician and practitioner. Before becoming a full-time academician serving five years as a lawyer at a Tier 1-law firm, representing clients before the judicial and administrative bodies on competition law matters.

In addition to classic competition law Christian Bergqvist covers:

- The interaction between sector regulation and competition law
- The implied considerations and the securing of these in competition law
- The use of economic theory

Further, Christian Bergqvist covers parts of telecommunication and energy law, primarily areas, which interact highly with competition law , e.g. because they pursue a mutual objective or related to access to the infrastructure. Recently, Christian Bergqvist has been researching and writing about platforms, Big Tech, and the companies collectively referred to as FAANG (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Google).

Dynamic Competition Initiative

  • The DCI is a multi-sided academic platform on competition, industrial policy and innovation.
  • It benefits from intellectual inputs from scholars; practical feedback from policymakers, practitioners, and industry participants; and financial support from public and private organizations or individuals.
  • Donations to the DCI are unrestricted.
  • Cases of alignment of views between the DCI, its affiliated scholars and donors involve correlation, not causation.
  • Membership of the DCI is benevolent. No scholar of the DCI has or will receive compensation for their affiliation to, or scholarship associated with, the DCI.
  • The DCI takes only interest in ideas, not funding. Whoever funds its scholars is of no interest to the DCI.