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Oliver Budzinski

Ilmenau University of Technology

Brief info

Oliver Budzinski is a full professor of economic theory (Chair) at Ilmenau University of Technology since 2012. He holds a Dr. rer. pol. (equiv. Ph.D. in Economics) from the University of Hanover 1999, Department of Economics. He wrote his doctoral dissertation on the following subject: "Policy Implications of an Evolutionary Theory of the Market Process and its Institutional Framework".

Dynamic Competition Initiative

  • The DCI is a multi-sided academic platform on competition, industrial policy and innovation.
  • It benefits from intellectual inputs from scholars; practical feedback from policymakers, practitioners, and industry participants; and financial support from public and private organizations or individuals.
  • Donations to the DCI are unrestricted.
  • Cases of alignment of views between the DCI, its affiliated scholars and donors involve correlation, not causation.
  • Membership of the DCI is benevolent. No scholar of the DCI has or will receive compensation for their affiliation to, or scholarship associated with, the DCI.
  • The DCI takes only interest in ideas, not funding. Whoever funds its scholars is of no interest to the DCI.